For Parents

For Parents

Hednesford Nursery School

Blooms Class Explore Autumn

Through our ‘Exploring Autumn’ theme, Blooms class have been learning about animals in Autumn. We have identified animals that may live in a woodland and we’ve considered how they prepare for the coming Winter season.

We love the outdoors here at Hednesford Nursery School, and are fortunate that we see many visitors to our vast outdoor space. Squirrels are regularly seen and in our back garden we have a resident robin. So in an effort to show care for living things we offered a helping hand and created a wildlife feeder for both our front and back gardens.

Blooms demonstrated high levels of concentration as we prepared the pumpkin and investigated the mealworms which were placed inside. Collectively we decided on an appropriate place for the feeders, and once in place we used the birdwatching area in the classroom to view for visitors.

Our curiosity was soon appeased with the arrival of a robin. Given that we only have space for two pairs of binoculars, some children went on to create their own.

Blooms Welcome Autumn