Meet Our Governors
(Please Note: This page is awaiting additional new governor information)
Mr Tom Truby - Chair of Governors
I am delighted and honoured to have the opportunity to be a Governor at West Hill and. As a Hednesford boy born and bred, I have a vested interest in seeing young people in our community succeed and fulfil their potential.
I have many passions in life, two of the biggest being supporting young people and Acting/Performing. I have loved performing since I can remember and after my A Levels, I studied Drama at Aberystwyth University for three years before becoming an Actor for Alton Tower’s annual Scarefest. It was around this time my fire for working with young people was lit and after plentiful volunteer work in local primary and secondary schools, I did my teacher training in 2011-2012.
I have been a Teacher of Drama at Kingsmead for six years as of July 2018, fusing both of my passions! I am also the Transition Leader and Year 7 Progress Leader. This has given me the opportunity to work extensively with West Hill and other Primary schools in the local community, leading our Primary Liaison programme, all Transition for students coming up to Kingsmead and being responsible for all of Year 7 and the progress that they make.
In my spare time I have founded and run a local theatre company called ‘Split Mask’, aiming to create quality local theatre and to give young people the opportunities to develop and hone their talent.
I always say teaching is more than a job, it is a lifestyle but despite this the plain truth is I absolutely love what I do! As cheesy as it sounds, nothing gives me a better feeling than knowing I have made even a small difference for a student.
Away from school and theatre, I love spending time with my family and friends; I have an amazing wife and a little boy called George who keeps me very busy! I am also an avid Manchester United fan.
I very much look forward to supporting West Hill to develop and grow and to help play a part in supporting students become the very best that they can be.
Miss Elizabeth Lloyd - Staff Governor for West Hill and Pre-School
I have been teaching for 17 years and began working at West Hill in September 2014. I am very proud of West Hill and dedicated to providing the best possible education for all children.
Mrs Dawn Freeman - Co-Opted Governor
I feel privileged to be part of the future success of Hednesford Hills Federation in my role as Governor, Nursery Manager, Inclusion Manager and Early Years SENCo.
I am passionate about Early Years, highly driven to make every day count, supporting your child to take their first steps into school life embarking on their education journey.
All Governors appointed by Governing Body (Four year Term of Office)